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KindermusikbySally community,

what's going on

Almost everything I do is coordinated or an extension to Kindermusik 

Our program includes special events, projects, outings, weekly regular classes.  Both in classes and online i provide resources for arts, parenting, development & education.   To access daily updated information on classes/activities, articles, funnies, fun activities at home & around our community, and more community connections you can check out.....

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For added value to regular Kindermusik there are a variety of extensions, inspirations, explorations, and supports that reflect our own personal touch and commitment to balanced and creative development.

Free self-directed activities before & after class...

include art/crafts projects, listening music, story telling/books, games, developmental/sensory exploration, nature exploration, theme inspired constructions, dramatic play inspirations, parent/child memory art (at least once a season), parental support & discussion.


Special events which explore and celebrate special places, focus on a special activity, special seasonal events&celebrations, usually included with passes & memberships (sometimes can be on-time events)...

** Family Fire Pit & Drumming around the Fire (or indoors)

**Dancing in the Meadow (usually with wildflowers)

**Nature Walk & Nature in our Backyard with classes 

**Fall presentation for small group lesson classes 

**Winter Wonderland & Lights. 

**Art in our Park (both exploration & Memory projects to do as family).

**Registration or Open House Event.

Note: Our Theatre/Art/Music inspired presentations for our older classes are not your typical recital. Designed to share & even include family and highlight the children's creativity through a less stressful & easygoing "backyard' play style.

Some past coordinated events with other groups & organizations (often one-time or separate charge) have included... 

**Disney Jr. events in 2018, 2021, 2022

**Caregiver & Baby Yoga 

**Movie Night

**Parent's Night out (most slots for potty trained)

**Parent's Day out (for babies)

Check blog, social media, online schedule, or contact me for dates. 

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