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Winter AtHome Books & Instruments

Sally Dancy

Updated: 2 days ago

Here is what I have suggest for your March picks for AtHome books & instruments. Everyone who signs up for the rest of spring will have the option of one book & one instrument for free. I will have a signup sheet available so I know what books & instruments to order & have available in March.

Instruments for babies & toddlers

Several different kinds of bells… baby, cage, shape, tambourine

Baby & young toddler board books

Toddler heavy paper

For PreK to K instruments… train whistle, harmonica, wearable bells

PreK with activities booklet

PreK heavy paper

Instrument options for older students (school age) preparing for Kindermusik Musicians (especially if already have the other instruments) including a wood block, larger tambourine, harmonica (2 kinds of harmonicas available for learning to play melodies)



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