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Sleep & Time changes

Sally Dancy

Updated: Nov 2, 2024

soon it will be time to again deal with a time change. Already seasonal change in sun light can make sleep more challenging... like it isn't hard enough with littles anyway, right???

Just like with everything else there are a variety of ways to deal with sleep. Although you may come across charts and “experts” who claim specifics, each child & family is a little different. Everyone has to find what works for them. Whether you co-sleep or sleep train, have hard set bedtimes or go with the flow there’s no judgment from #KindermusikbySally because it’s my experience that there’s more than one way to make things work. Having said this it’s nice to get to see what’s worked for others so here are some links…

For babies music might be better than white noise

Tips on how to manage screen time and sleep

Here are some links to tips...

Music & finger plays & movement



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