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Priorities, balance, relief

Sally Dancy

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Oh this hits home today!! I’m having a ruff few weeks.

I’ve had stress, had to priororitize, make difficult choices, and I’ve dropped the ball.

How about you???

We’ll here’s some advice from Kindermusik…

and here is an article from parents magazine with some advice

BTW I know what it’s like. I’ve debt with my stress and worried about my children being over whelmed.

Even this holiday season, I’ve had a busy and accident plagued break and as you know I am currently a one women show.

So yeah, I know what it’s like now AND then. Then when my children were little And my husband was deployed to war And my sons were diagnosed And when I wanted to start my own business And you know… life!

We all have to prioritize and reorganize and look to find new ways to manage what comes our way. Kindermusik can be a great tool for families to find balance with development, opportunity, activity, and emotional/social well-being. I know what it’s like to make choices as a parent. I actively try to make my studio a safe place for families and children. Right now I can identify with being overwhelmed by everything around us.

You are welcome, you are loved, this can be a place for you

@kindermusikbysally @discoverymeadowstudio

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