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Pick books&instruments

Sally Dancy

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

Remember it’s first come first serve for immediate availability from my current in stock. I can also get these or any other KI book, instrument, cd from any of the curriculums/classes for order & available in a month.

Board books (pictures below):

Hello Day: WishyWashyWee story & activities

Zoom, Off We Go, stories

On Town w Bear: story & activities

Rain or Shine: Isty Bitsy Spider story & activities

Family All Around: Twinkle Little Star story & activities

Zoom: This little Car story & activities

This Little Train (Little Red Caboose), Nighty Night stories

*note* also found some Birds of a Feather board books (not pictured) they have a picture, sound, & poem for 7 different birds

Laminated paper (picture below):

Sing, Play, Grow: activities & song scores

Giddy Up story

Big Blue Boat story

Tippy Tippy Too story

Watch Me story

Put Your Left Paw In: story & activities

paper books (picture below)

On the Go: The Big Race story & activities

All Keyes Up: CoppertopKeyboards story & activities

Drums: Drum Circle story & activities

Under the Rainbow: story & activities

Jumping Beans: Quieter Instrument & activities

objects safe for all ages:


jingling baby ball

Beach ball

tote bag: canvas ‘family time’, brown & green Kindermusik, mesh green

instruments safe for under 2:

Snail clacker

clip clap (shack, roll)

ritch ratch (roll)

mini rain shaker

fish shaker

double egg shaker

shape shakers

elephant shaker

instruments for older toddlers

spring Castanets

Handled sand blocks (green)

shell handled castanets train whistle

Older preschool & school age:

Long Green ribbed sticks (tap & rub)

short green shaker stick (tap & shake)

pan flute

also have cd’s for many of the classes in the past year

note on costs...

most instruments and objects are $5

there are some like drums, glockenspiel, dulcimers, a few specialty items that range from $10-20

books: board $7, laminated $5, paper/magazine $3

CD’s & downloads: CD’s that I have in stock are free, downloads to the kindermusik APP are free if you have the CD or class registration

there may be a fee if I have to order the CD because of shipping but I’ll try to do a big order to keep it low

Please contact me for your specific balance and for any questions including how to access your Kindermusik music account.



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