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Develop the senses

Sally Dancy

Updated: May 26, 2021

Learning to attend is an inclusive developmental skill. Attending is about more than listening. It may begin with Active listening & attending but leads to evaluating & responding. With littles that most often leads to physical movement.

Sound identification…

From identifying voices to identifying sounds in nature/world to the phonemes of language to identifying specific textures/timbre of sound. Music is especially good at developing this skill and Kindermusik continual explores sounds. This spring we’ve focused on pet & farm sounds. Over the summer we’ll focus on sounds from traveling around (the world, the community). This fall we’ll explore the sounds of ocean to sky.

But they don’t sit still and listen…

As children develop their attending looks different. Babies focus on their caregivers (or sometimes the Kindermusik Baby whisperer/educator), toddlers often have to move to attend, and preschoolers often use their social group as a guide or pretend play as a conduit to attend. Some people with neuro differences also have different needs to develop attending skills.

But no worries because #kindermusikhelpswiththat we have techniques to help. Touch is an important tool to help children attend… their touch on their own ear or our touch to focus and calm.

Kindermusik is for all. Music can facilitate for all kinds of development. Read this article to see exactly what we can do…

This is because Kindermusik is a sensory rich, sensory inclusive, sensory sensitive place. We explore all the senses and use them to learn how to do so many things by actively listening then responding, exploring to what we experienced with movements, sounds, and more.



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